Wi-fi Endanger Child Health

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Recent research states that wireless Internet networks such as wi-fi apparently can endanger children's health in Canada.

The reason a number of children in those countries experiencing symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, nausea and increased heart rate when in any area wi-fi.

In its report, the parents realized their children experiencing strange symptoms over the past year. Even some of those who are impaired in their school.

This phenomenon occurs because the intensity of his own microwave in one classroom at the School of Simcoe County was four times more powerful than cell phone towers. Similarly quoted by the Telegraph.

What the children experienced was simply never happened in July last year. A British DJ named Steve Miller stated that he was allergic to the wireless network.

Allergies are caused by electromagnetic sensitivity makes Miller suffered headaches and dizziness when in range of Wi-Fi signal.

However, some researchers are investigating further, about the dangers that arise by this wi-fi signal. Because, not all people experience are similar things, unless they possessed allergies.