Jason Spero, Director of the Mobile Google while attending a AppNation conference in San Francisco, Friday (29 / 4) explains that Google is very serious dealing with privacy issues.
Spero provides examples that many of telecommunication products that are now being sued by user. He pointed out how Apple is now facing a lawsuit from the consumer, because the iPhone is equipped with tracking applications.
Mobile users now rely heavily on mobile technology. This High demand makes a lot of companies started to equip their applications to satisfy the users.
It's just according to Spero, intense competition is making companies often go outside the lines. “Based on it, we are working with the industry who understand about fair game, and provide the best experience for users,'' he explained.
By using the Android operating system, Spero ensure customer data even location cannot be traced.
Google spokesman explain that guarantee in his email. It is said that every location data that is sent back to the Google servers location that are anonymous, cannot be traced to a specific user.
But, not all Android users believe that guarantee. Because in a study conducted by TRUSTe & Harris recently found only 19% of 340 mobile applications, which connected to a privacy policy. The rest was not protected.
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